Senin, 18 Mei 2009
Hotel and Restaurant in Pati
If you visit to Pati and enjoying seafood, please come to SAPTO RENGGO BARU restaurant at Pati-Kudus 4th Kilometers, Pati telp (0295) 382185. The other restaurant that prepare fried chicken especially for you that our known as AYAM KAMPUNG GORENG is KEMBANG JOYO restaurant. You can get it in there on Pemuda Street Pati. If you need hotel you can go to Rama Hotel at Supriyadi Street No. 100 Pati Central Java Indonesia ( , if you want to reservation now please send email to or Pati Kurnia on Jl. Tondonegoro No. 15 Pati call at (0295) 381133.
Pati known as culinary food. Gandul Rice is delicious food. This culinary has become icon of Pati. Many people who try the amazing culinary. From the civil person until famous figure have eaten this culinary. I hope you feel this amazing culinary. Try and feel amazing and delicious culinary. Please visit to for detail information. The other culinary from Pati is BANDENG PRESTO. BANDENG PRESTO is kind of food that make from fresh bandeng fish. This fish usually catching from fishman fishpools in Pati District central java. This fish being proceed come a delicious. You aren’t fear about fish underbonds. This culinary has been proceed so BANDENG PRESTO safety for consumer and long time ability if you save in your refrigerator. Because of that, BANDENG PRESTO are made special culinary from Pati Central Java. You can get it in the restaurant or Pati culinary shop in Pati or the other. You can visit Or send email to Number Hand phone: 08156503452. You can go to beside Pizza Hut MT.Haryono Jakarta.
Pati known as culinary food. Gandul Rice is delicious food. This culinary has become icon of Pati. Many people who try the amazing culinary. From the civil person until famous figure have eaten this culinary. I hope you feel this amazing culinary. Try and feel amazing and delicious culinary. Please visit to for detail information. The other culinary from Pati is BANDENG PRESTO. BANDENG PRESTO is kind of food that make from fresh bandeng fish. This fish usually catching from fishman fishpools in Pati District central java. This fish being proceed come a delicious. You aren’t fear about fish underbonds. This culinary has been proceed so BANDENG PRESTO safety for consumer and long time ability if you save in your refrigerator. Because of that, BANDENG PRESTO are made special culinary from Pati Central Java. You can get it in the restaurant or Pati culinary shop in Pati or the other. You can visit Or send email to Number Hand phone: 08156503452. You can go to beside Pizza Hut MT.Haryono Jakarta.
beside batik, Pati has the other handicraft. GORDYEN is one from many kind handicrafts in Pati. This product is more potentially to sell to this country or other country. I hope this product can be gotten in the local and international market. Interior room usually needs it. Your office or personality room more comfortable with it. For this time, these kind handicrafts are sold to other province. Sumatra and Kalimantan are locally market for this product. Maybe these products are sold on other country. This plan can be realized if some investor comes to Pati and invest their capital in this. Aim these entire plans are increasing economic people grad in Pati and the other district and answer demand market about GORDYEN.
Welcome to PATI, my City.

Kabupaten Pati is a district is located in northern java beach. In this district we can find potentially range to blowing up than the other location. Such as, in the textile commodity
Do you want visit to many places that I was explaining on the front?. You can visit naturally beach at northern Pati district. In there you can enjoy with fresh air. But maybe according to you many beach in Pati interest less. There aren’t develop this potency become something that’s interest for many people. Banyu Towo Beach is one of some beaches in Pati. Banyu Towo is located about 30 kilometers to north from Pati city. Religion recreation is which one recreation in Pati. Religions touring can answer need place study or research in Pati and the other from historian needed. You can find Makam Syeh Jangkung (Saridin) that located at Kayen, 15 kilometers to south from Pati city and Makam Mbah Mutamaqin are located in Kajen Margoyoso about 20 Kilometers to north from central city. Pati is suitable for student or historian to study and learn about Pati history. Both of figure are introduce Islam to Javanese especially people in Pati. Because of them Islam can develop in java and Pati. Islam is peace for all (rahmat for all). This is essential of Islam that realized at Islamic Javanese Society.
Many mount that located in Pati. Kendeng Mount is which one of some mount in Pati. Kendeng Mount is located at southern Pati, about 30 kilometers from central city.
According to research that was done this mountain includes Karts Mountain. And they called Kendeng Mountain as water saving (water infiltration area), because characteristic of this mountain. You can find water easily at last time, but difficult now, maybe caused by cut some tree without rule. Water is very important for farmer in southern Pati. Water are used for irrigated their farming areas. Majority occupations of people in Pati southern are farmer. Rice is main commodity that product from there, and rice is main consuming for Javanese and Indonesian. Beside that cotton is commodity from Pati. Cotton from Pati is sold to some province in Indonesia. Because of Kendeng Mountain Pati have some Gowa. That is Gowa Pancur, Gowa Wareh and the other. All of it’s located in southern from central city.
At the northern of Pati District are located Muria Mount. This mount is central product of coffee. We are called Jolong coffee. Productions of coffee Jolong are managed by Perkebunan Nusantara Company. I m afraid if those commodity can be gotten in all market, local or international.
In this written, I want you doing something to safety our life. Stop global warming, by plant one tree one person on your home to reduce green house effect.

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