Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Hotel and Restaurant in Pati

If you visit to Pati and enjoying seafood, please come to SAPTO RENGGO BARU restaurant at Pati-Kudus 4th Kilometers, Pati telp (0295) 382185. The other restaurant that prepare fried chicken especially for you that our known as AYAM KAMPUNG GORENG is KEMBANG JOYO restaurant. You can get it in there on Pemuda Street Pati. If you need hotel you can go to Rama Hotel at Supriyadi Street No. 100 Pati Central Java Indonesia ( , if you want to reservation now please send email to or Pati Kurnia on Jl. Tondonegoro No. 15 Pati call at (0295) 381133.

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